Writings about Web standards and adventure games, and mirrors of censored Web sites.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Test your browser's HTML 4.0 support
(updated 4 December 2006)
Comprehensive timeline of the Zork series
(updated 10 January 2005)
Analysis of color symbology in Riven
(updated 11 September 2004)
Genre and the Video Gameby Mark J.P. Wolf
Genre grouping of video games
Deck files for sorting your card collection, sounds, and card art
Electronic voting machines in 37 states facilitate election fraud
What your soap distributor won't tell you
(updated 14 October 2002)
Mattel sues to suppress Cyber Patrol blacklist decryption
(updated 4 May 2004)
Unscramble DVDs to play on PCs
What every preclear should know
Pictures presumed plagiarized from previous products